Via Francigena


Sur les traces de Evliya Çelebi et Saint Paul. Marcher entre histoire et nature en Turquie.

« Comprendre un territoire d’identité ancienne et d’une culture profonde comme la Turquie devient plus simple si on marche le long de ses routes, si on rencontre ses habitants et si on se laisse transporter par les couleurs qui décorent cette terre. » . Le récit de Luca Faravelli.

Luca Faravelli, jeune architecte de 26 ans, a participé en octobre dernier, avec cinq autres jeunes, à un voyage d’étude en Turquie, pour le projet Europe to Turkey on Foot, qui a engagé AEVF pendant douze mois (15 février 2016 – 15 février 2017). Le but de voyage a été consacré  à l’étude et à l’analyse de deux chemins : Evliya Celeby Way et Saint Paul Trail. Un reportage photographique, deux expositions, un carnet de voyage et une étude sur la collaboration entre ces chemins et la Via Francigena sont nés grâce à ce voyage.

« Quand on le parcourt, on ne peut que se fier à tous ceux qui en ont déjà traversé les plaines, les itinéraires et les paysages ; particularités qui unissent deux personnages historiques d’apparence sans aucun lien : Saint Paul, Apôtre des Gentils, et Evliya Çelebi, noble ottoman, auteur de Seyahatname, œuvre en dix volumes qui décrit le voyage de dix ans, d’Istanbul à La Mecque. Ils ont créé avec leurs pèlerinages, deux Chemins Culturels sur lesquels j’ai eu l’honneur de laisser l’empreinte de ma chaussure comme pèlerin et qui peuvent constituer une extension naturelle de la Via Francigena, en générant un nouveau Chemin qui pourrait être défini comme « Eurasie ».

Le Chemin de Evliya Çelebi  se développe dans la partie septentrionale de la Turquie et traverse des villages dont les noms semblent extraits d’un récit, Çavuskoy, Babasultan, Karakiraz, lieux immergés dans un paysage merveilleux qui possèdent une vraie magie ; ici on peut croiser des tracteurs qui transportent des familles entières, des enfants qui courent à côté du sentier, en s’exprimant dans une langue inconnue et des vieux agriculteurs qui, bénévolement, offrent un thé délicieux. Les villages traversés sont nombreux sur cette route et la possibilité de connaitre la population locale rend le voyage intéressant et curieux.

Le Chemin de Saint Paul s’articule le long de la chaine montagneuse du Tauro jusqu’à la Mer Méditerranée. Une des étapes les plus attrayantes est sans aucun doute la ville de Eğirdir et le lac homonyme autour duquel se développe le Chemin. A l’aube, le soleil se reflète sur le lac en offrant un spectacle à couper le souffle, puis il suit les pèlerins durant toute la journée, sans s’imposer de façon excessive ; un vent doux et la partie en altitude rendent le voyage plaisant et tout autre que fatigant. Le terrain est accidenté et difficile et les villages sont rares et d’aspect rural, consacrés au pastoralisme.

Invités dans une véranda enrichie par une vigne vierge pourpre américaine et dirigés par un berger nomade à cheval pour trouver notre route, les jours sur le Chemin de Saint Paul passent rapidement, presque trop, remplis d’émotions.

Parcourir les Chemins Culturels en Turquie permet de découvrir des paysages spectaculaires, des villes et des villages à l’incontestable valeur historique et culturelle et offrir une expérience que l’on voudra répéter le plus tôt possible ».

Luca Faravelli

Le projet Europe to Turkey on Foot (Preparation of a European cultural route between Europe and Turkey)” a été cofinancé par le Programme « Civil Society Dialogue IV –  Regional Policy and coordination of Structural instruments ». AEVF y a participé en tant que partenaire, avec l’Association Turkey’s Culture Routes Society, chef de file du projet. Dans un tel contexte, AEVF est responsable du transfert de bonnes pratiques européennes le long de la Via Francigena sur la gestion du réseau, le développement, la promotion et l’animation de l’itinéraire culturel européen. 



Atti del Convegno “Via Francigena, Via di Pace

Pubblicati gli Atti del Convegno “Via Francigena, Via di Pace” tenutosi a Fidenza e a Piacenza il 28 e il 29 aprile 2016 in occasione dei 15 anni di attività dell’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene.

Si tratta di un documento interessante sia per gli studiosi sia per coloro che si impegnano quotidianamente sulla Francigena.

Lungo questo grande “Itinerario culturale del Consiglio d’Europa”, da Canterbury a Roma, sino a Santa Maria di Leuca in Puglia, camminano ogni anno migliaia di persone da tutti i continenti, attirate dalla bellezza e dal fascino dei luoghi.  La Via Francigena tocca, in massima parte, territori europei cosiddetti “minori” che consente di riscoprire attraverso una solida rete di istituzioni locali, associazioni, operatori economici, tutti a servizio di pellegrini e camminatori.

“La Via Francigena è figlia del Consiglio d’Europa e dei suoi valori di rispetto, di dialogo, di democrazia. La famiglia della Francigena è inclusiva e pacifica; caratteristiche queste che ne costituiscono l’essenza e la forza, ed un esempio per tutti. Nelle 86 pagine di resoconto dei 74 interventi del convegno trovate la fotografia della bellissima esperienza della nostra Associazione Europea, delle idee e dei progetti che propone, dei solidi legami che ha costruito fra persone e comunità; legami e rispetto reciproco che rimangono e crescono nel tempo. Ringrazio tutti voi che avete accettato di partecipare al Convegno proponendo e condividendo le vostre idee.

La nostra Associazione Europea è in continua crescita, grazie alla convinzione dei territori che vi aderiscono e delle persone che vi dedicano tempo, energia, passione. Ci occupiamo di un progetto destinato a continuare a lungo e a raggiungere nuovi obiettivi. Cito la candidatura UNESCO del tratto italiano, per cominciare, che vedrà la nostra Associazione Europea direttamente impegnata al fianco delle autorità regionali e nazionali. Anche di questo parleremo alla prossima Assemblea generale di AEVF che si terrà venerdì 5 maggio 2017 a Pavia ed alla quale siete tutti invitati” ha detto il Presidente Massimo Tedeschi.

Scarica gli atti del convegno




The records of the convention “Via Francigena, Via of Peace”, held in Fidenza and Piacenza on 28th and 29th April 2016 on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of activity of the European Association of the Vie Francigene, have been published.

It is an interesting document both for academics and for people who are daily involved on the Francigena.

Every year thousands of people from all the continents walk along this great “Cultural itinerary of the Council of Europe”, from Canterbury to Rome, until Santa Maria di Leuca in Puglia region. They are attracted by the beauty and the charm of the locations. The Via Francigena crosses, for the most part of it, so-called “minor” European territories that can be rediscovered through a strong network of local institutions, associations, economic operators, all at the service of pilgrims and walkers.

“The Via Francigena is the daughter of the Council of Europe and of its morals of respect, dialogue, democracy. The family of the Francigena is inclusive and pacific; these are the characteristics that constitute its essence and strength and an example for everyone. In the 86 pages of report of the 74 convention’s speeches you will be able to find the photography of the wonderful experience of our European Association, of the ideas and the projects that it suggests, of the sturdy bonds that it built between people and communities; bonds and mutual respect that remain and grow with time. I thank you all for having accepted to participate to the Convention, suggesting and sharing your ideas.

Our European Association is in continue growth, thanks to the certainty of the territories that adhere and to the people that commit time, energy, passion. We deal with a project destined to continue for a long time and to reach new purposes. I quote the UNESCO candidacy of the Italian segment, for a start, that will see our European Association directly involved side by side with regional and national authorities. We will also talk about this at the next EAVF’s general assembly that will take place on the 5th May 2017 in Pavia and to which you are all invited” said the President Massimo Tedeschi.

Download the Records of the Convention


Les Actes du Congrès « Via Francigena, Voie de la Paix »

Les Actes du Congrès « Via Francigena, Voie de la Paix » ,qui a eu lieu à Fidenza et à Piacenza les 28 et 29 avril 2016, à l’occasion des 15 ans d’activités de l’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena, ont été publiés.

Il s’agit d’un document qui intéresse autant les scientifiques que ceux qui s’engagent quotidiennement sur la Via Francigena.

Le long de ce grand « Itinéraire culturel du Conseil de l’Europe », de Canterbury à Rome, puis jusqu’à Santa Maria di Leuca dans les Pouilles, marchent chaque année des milliers de personnes provenant de tous les continents, attirés par la beauté et le charme des lieux. La Via Francigena touche, en grande partie, des territoires européens dits « mineurs » que l’on peut découvrir à travers un solide réseau d’institutions locales, d’associations, d’opérateurs économiques, tous au service des pèlerins et des marcheurs.

« La Via Francigena est la fille du Conseil de l’Europe et de ses valeurs de respect, de dialogue, de démocratie. La famille de la Via Francigena est inclusive et pacifique ; caractéristiques qui en constituent l’essence et la force, et un exemple pour tous. Dans les 86 pages de compte-rendu des 74 interventions du congrès, vous trouverez la photographie de la très belle expérience de notre Association Européenne, des idées et des projets importants qu’elle propose, des liens solides entre les personnes et les communautés qu’elle a construit, des liens et du respect réciproque qui restent et grandissent avec le temps. Je vous remercie tous, vous qui avez accepté de participer au congrès en proposant et en partageant vos idées. 

Notre Association Européenne est en continuelle croissance, grâce à la conviction  des territoires qui y adhèrent et des personnes qui y consacrent du temps, de l’énergie et de la passion. Nous nous occupons d’un projet destiné à durer dans le temps et à rejoindre de nouveaux objectifs. Je cite la candidature UNESCO du tronçon italien, pour commencer, qui engagera notre Association Européenne directement aux côtés des autorités régionales et nationales. Nous parlerons de cela aussi à la prochaine Assemblée Générale d’AEVF qui aura lieu le vendredi 5 mai 2017 à Pavie et à laquelle vous êtes tous invités » a dit le Président Massimo Tedeschi.

Télécharger les actes du congrès




“European Francigena Marathon”: aperte le iscrizioni per la quinta edizione

Cominciano a piovere adesioni per la quinta edizione dell’European Francigena Marathon.L’evento è organizzato dall’Assessorato Sport Turismo e Cultura del Comune di Acquapendente e dal Club Alpino Italiano – Sezione di Viterbo con il patrocinio dell’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene, il supporto del Corpo Forestale dello Stato – Comando Provinciale Viterbo, la collaborazione dei limitrofi Comuni di San Lorenzo Nuovo, Bolsena e Montefiascone e l’aiuto di varie associazioni locali.

L’appuntamento con la prima maratona sull’antico itinerario di “Sigerico” da percorrere solo ed esclusivamente camminando, che tanto successo ha riscosso nelle precedenti edizioni, è per domenica 4 giugno. Sono 42,195 i chilometri che separano Acquapendente e Montefiascone. In alternativa, sono previsti i più accessibili percorsi Acquapendente – San Lorenzo Nuovo (11,300 chilometri), Acquapendente – Bolsena (23,500 chilometri), San Lorenzo Nuovo – Bolsena (12,200 chilometri), San Lorenzo Nuovo – Montefiascone (30,900 chilometri), Bolsena – Montefiascone (18,700 chilometri).La manifestazione, aperta a tutti – i minorenni, sotto la responsabilità dei genitori – verrà effettuata con qualsiasi condizione atmosferica. Partenze, da Acquapendente (dalle 7.15 alle 8 in Piazza del Comune), da San Lorenzo Nuovo (alle 9 in Piazza Europa) e da Bolsena (alle 10.30 da Piazza Matteotti). Arrivi previsti, a San Lorenzo Nuovo tra le 9 e le 12, a Bolsena tra le 11 e le 14, alla Rocca di Montefiascone dalle 14 alle 19. Le iscrizioni, apertesi martedì 10 gennaio su, andranno avanti fino a lunedì 15 maggio o al raggiungimento dei 3000 iscritti. Promozioni previste, per chi lo farà entro martedì 28 febbraio. Tra gli eventi collaterali previsti ad Acquapendente: venerdì 2 giugno, una giornata di trekking guidato al Parco Naturalistico del Sasseto, patrimonio dell’UNESCO, e al Castello Medievale di Torre Alfina. Sabato 3 giugno, invece, alle 19.30 nel Chiostro di San Francesco, la “Cena Medioevale” allietata dallo spettacolo. Oppure, alla stessa ora, sotto i Portici Comunali la cena a base di prodotti tipici del territorio con intrattenimento musicale.

Per ulteriori informazioni:
0763.7309206 – 339.2680840

Fonte: TusciaUp


« EUROPEAN FRANCIGENA MARATHON » : les inscriptions sont ouvertes pour la 5ème édition.

De nombreuses adhésions sont arrivées pour la 5ème édition de l’European Francigena Marathon. L’évènement est organisé par le Ministère du Sport, Tourisme et Culture de la commune d’Acquapendente et par le Club Alpin Italien – section Viterbo avec le parrainage de l’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena, le support du Corps Forestier de l’Etat – Autorités Provinciales de Viterbo, la collaboration des communes limitrophes de San Lorenzo Nuovo, Bolsena et Montefiascone et l’aide de diverses associations locales.

Le rendez-vous avec le marathon sur l’antique itinéraire de Sigéric, à parcourir seulement et exclusivement en marchant sera le dimanche 4 juin. Il a eu beaucoup de succès dans les éditions précédentes. 42,195 km séparent Acquapendente de Montefiascone. En alternative, des parcours plus accessibles sont prévus : de Acquapendente à San Lorenzo Nuovo (11.3 km), Acquapendente à Bolsena (23,5 km), San Lorenzo Nuovo à Bolsena (12.2 km), San Lorenzo Nuovo à Montefiascone (30,9 km) et Bolsena à Montefiascone (18,7 km). La manifestation, ouverte à tous – les mineurs sous la responsabilité des parents – aura lieu quelques soient les conditions atmosphériques. Les départs sont d’Acquapendente (de 7h15 à 8h, place de la mairie), de San Lorenzo Nuovo (à 9h, place de l’Europe) et de Bolsena (à 10h30, place Matteotti). Les arrivées sont prévues à San Lorenzo Nuovo entre 9h et 12h, à Bolsena entre 11h et 14h, au Rocher de Montefiascone de 14h à 19h. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes depuis le mardi 10 janvier sur et continueront jusqu’au lundi 15 mai ou à la limite des 3.000 inscrits. Parmi les évènements prévus à Acquapendente ces jours-ci : le vendredi 2 juin aura lieu une journée de trekking guidé au Parc Naturel du Sasseto, patrimoine UNESCO et au château médiéval de Torre Alfina ; samedi 3 juin, à 19h30, aura lieu le Repas médiéval accompagné d’un spectacle ou bien, à la même heure, aura lieu le Repas à base de produits typiques du terroir avec animation musicale, sous les Arcades Municipales.

Pour plus d’informations :

Tel. +39 0763.7309206 – +39 339.2680840

Source: TusciaUp



A piedi con i terremotati, il pellegrinaggio della solidarietà sul cammino di San Benedetto

Quattro giorni, dal 14 al 17 aprile, in pellegrinaggio da Norcia a Leonessa lungo il cammino di San Benedetto: è l’idea di Maurizio Ornella, appassionato di trekking, che vive a Monza.

    “Ho lanciato questa iniziativa pensandola come unione dei valori del pellegrinaggio e del volontariato – spiega Maurizio – durante il cammino, che attraversa proprio le aree geografiche colpite dal sisma del 30 ottobre. Alloggeremo in agriturismi e ostelli della zona che ci hanno già dato disponibilità, permettendo a queste strutture, spesso a gestione familiare, di tornare a vedere un pò di speranza“.

    All’iniziativa hanno già aderito 300 partecipanti da tutta Italia. Informazioni e prenotazioni sono possibili tramite la pagina Facebook “Il cammino della solidarietà”.
    Le tappe saranno tre, da Norcia a Cascia, da Cascia a Monteleone di Spoleto e da lì fino a Leonessa.

Fonte: Ansa


Il mio pellegrinaggio attraverso l’Europa, da Oslo a Roma

Il lungo cammino a piedi di Öivind Östang, attraverso l’Europa, da Oslo a Roma. Un’esperienza di viaggio e di vita di 2.900km condivisa con un racconto fatto di storia, incontri, emozioni.

Il racconto di viaggio, in inglese, si trova in allegato con alcune immagini del cammino avvenuto tra maggio e ottobre 2015.


My pilgrimage through Europe – from Oslo to Rome

After having walked as a pilgrim along the Saint Olav Way from Oslo north to Nidaros (Trondheim) in 2005, I was asked what next – Santiago de Compostella? My answer was that to me, Rome is a more important goal.

Since 1968, I have been there many times as a pilgrim. Maybe I should walk there once? Between 12 May and 1 October 2015 I did so, around 2.900 kilometres.

In 2010 a friend had proposed we walk some days each year along the Via Romea Francigena, starting in Orsières in Switzerland. In 2014 five of us reached Viterbo. In early 2015 I told the others that I would start earlier, walk from Oslo and meet them in Viterbo so we could walk the final five days to Rome together.

Plans for a pilgrimage relay from Trondheim to Rome in 2015, Pilgrims Crossing Borders, made me aware of the Via Romea Germanica from Stade (near Hamburg) to Rome. Based on the description of Abbot Albert’s return from Rome to Stade in 1237, the road was marked again between 2009-2013, by Italian anthropologist Giovanni Caselli and others.

I chose to follow the Via Romea Germanica some weeks ahead of the relay. I have been told I became the first to walk the entire stretch from Stade to Rome in modern time.

On 12 May 2015, I left our home at Grefsen in northern Oslo, walked to the harbour and took the overnight ferry to Frederikshavn in Northern Jylland in Denmark. The next morning I started walking.

Between Frederikshavn and Padborg on the Danish-German border, I followed the Hærvejen, the ancient road from north to south on Jylland, with very good maps from Through Schleswig-Holstein from Padborg to Wedel on the Elbe, I followed the Ochsenweg,

From Stade to Rome, I used maps from and several guide books. Between Stade and Innsbruck, I used Jochen Heinke’s Der mittelalterliche Pilgerweg Via Romea I og II (Jochen Heinke im Selbstverlag), and also Giovanni Caselli’s and Thomas Dahms’ Via Romea Stade-Mittenwald  (Ostfalia Verlag, Osterwieck). Between Innsbruck and Ferrara, I used Ferdinand Tremls Der Pilgerweg nach Rom. Auf der Brenner-route über Padua und Assisi (Tyrolia Verlag, Innsbruck), which partly also describes the Via Romea Germanica.

I spent two weeks in Denmark, more than two months in Germany, five days in Austria and close to two months in Italy. Each day I published a report in Norwegian on my open Facebook profile. In 2016 these reports were published in my book Pilegrim i Europa – min vandring dag for dag fra Grefsen til Roma i 2015 (Pilgrim through Europe – my walk day by day from Grefsen to Rome in 2015), (Kolofon, Oslo 2016).

All the way I met friendly people. Many said «Gottes Segen!», «Gesundheit!», «Respekt!», «Complimenti!», «Greetings to the Pope!» when they heard my story.

By moving slowly from north to south, I wanted to remind myself and others of the old bonds that bind us Europeans together – whether we come from south or north, are EU members or not, are Catholics or Protestants, have other beliefs or no belief.

I looked for the traces of our Christian heritage – rooted in Jerusalem, Athens and Rome. Over the centuries, these bonds have been exposed to trials, exploitation, wars, reformation and secularisation. But the traces are still there, spiritually and physically. Guard stones along the road are churches, chapels and altars.

While I was walking, refugees continued to come to Europe. Politicians were striving to handle a number of refugees we had not seen in decades. I did not see the refugees, and border crossings had not yet been closed.

The large majority of pilgrims in our time do not walk. They come by car, train, boat or plane. And they are by no means less real pilgrims. Still, recent decades have seen a growing interest in walking slowly again – along old roads to holy places.

Walking on my own, I carried what I needed of clothes, food and water. I chose to sleep in cheap hotels and pensions and to carry just the food and water I needed for the day. With 3-4 sets of clothes, rainwear and light shoes for the evenings, my sack weighed 11-12 kilos with full water bottles. On my feet I had light hiking boots with soft soles. This made it possible to walk long stretches on asphalt. In average, I covered 25 kilometres each day. Making around 4 kilometres an hour, this would often take eight hours – pauses included. After starting out too ambitiously in Jylland, I had to cure a sinew inflammation in the leg with three weeks on bike.

Organised pilgrimages often have a daily rhythm with prayers and meditations. I used a Roman Catholic prayer book in the morning and in the evening. During the day, I would normally visit one or more churches. I would spend time, light a candle; say a Pater Noster and an Ave Maria.

In Jylland, churches were often open during the day, in Northern Germany less often. In the mainly Catholic Bayern, Austria and Italy, churches were almost always open. Here, roadside altars and crucifixes were physical reminders of the Christian faith of those living there and of mine passing there.

Physically as well as mentally a pilgrim should have a day of rest each week. I chose to rest on Sundays and go to church.   

As a member of the (Lutheran) Church of Norway, I was welcome to participate fully in Lutheran services. In Catholic masses, it was not obvious that I would be welcome to receive the Holy Communion. I could have come early, asked to see the priest and maybe be welcome to participate, or I could have pretended to be a Catholic. I chose not to bother or cheat the priest, remaining an observer during the Eucharist for most of my pilgrimage. Not the least when I reached my goal, this was sad.

Talks have long been held on how to overcome this division between the Christian confessions – where the Eucharist is seen by the Catholic Church as an expression of full communion, while the Lutheran understanding is that the Eucharist is open to all. In my view, however, this is not a relation between two equal parties. We should remember that it was Luther and the other 16th-Century reformers who broke out and came to found new churches.          

Some say the road is the goal for a wanderer. In one way, I may agree; along the road are the views, the meetings and the experiences. Still, my goal, Rome with her churches, saints’ graves and all the other, was what kept me walking. I found rest in the thought that I was walking south in the footsteps of many Northerners during the last millennium – through landscapes and places they saw, along roads Christian church and cultural impulses had followed on their way north.

It is a quiet joy to know that the city with the Holy See and the graves of St. Peter and St. Paul is not farther away than that I have walked there. It took some months, but the road there is marked with a string of churches, chapels and altars still used by those who live there.


Mon pèlerinage à travers l’Europe, d’Oslo à Rome

Le long chemin à pied d’Öivind Östang à travers l’Europe, d’Oslo à Rome. Une expérience de voyage et de vie de 2.900 km partagée comme un récit fait d’Histoire, de rencontres et d’émotions.

Le récit du voyage, en anglais, se trouve ci-joint avec quelques photos du chemin prises entre mai et octobre 2015.