The project entitled “Europe to Turkey on Foot”, co-funded by the European Program “Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey IV–Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments” started on 15th February. It is coordinated by the Turkey-based Association “Culture Routes Society”, with the partnership of the European Association of the Via Francigena (EAVF) and in cooperation with three Turkish municipalities : Demre (the ancient Myra, 16 thousand inhabitants, Antalya district), Inegöl (177 thousands inhabitants Bursa district) and Eğirdir (20 thousands inhabitants, Isparta district).
The “Europe to Turkey on Foot” project idea was born following the cooperation agreement signed in 2014 between the EAVF and Turkey’s Culture Routes Society,with the aim to increase Euro-mediterranean dialogue between both the networks for the development of the Via Francigena South of Rome (Rome – Apulia), toward Jerusalem, crossing the ancient Via Egnatia (which linked Brindisi to the nowadays Albania, Macedonia/FYROM, Greece and Istanbul).
Within the framework of the “Europe to Turkey on Foot” project, EAVF will be in charge of transferring European good practices along the Via Francigena, considered as a European model among cultural routes, in terms of territorial policies, cultural-tourist sustainable practices and network governance. A pilot itinerary will be also developed in Turkey and the partners will work together to develop joint strategies for the extension of the route until Turkey, through the Balkans, where a meeting is to be held in September.
Promotional activities of Turkey’s cultural routes as well as of the Via Francigena are planned on the occasion of the 2016 edition of the Festival Via Francigena Collective Project.
This important project is planning common work with the cultural routes spanning in the territory of the great Euro-Mediterranean country of Turkey. Through knowledge and experience exchange it will foster cultural growth and tourist development of participating towns and communities – said EAVF President, Massimo Tedeschi.
For further information: Silvia Lecci (EAVF), Italian project coordinator,
The press release and the project descriptive sheet are available here below.