Via Francigena

The EAVF General Assembly in Canterbury – the city of your first step on the route to Rome

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

In 2020, Canterbury will host a General Assembly of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF), which will take place on 14 – 16 May 2020.
Canterbury – an English city in Kent, with a typically medieval style, is a place, from where in 990 the Archbishop Sigeric began his journey on foot to Rome and a zero kilometre for the modern Via Francigena.

The Canterbury General Assembly is a concrete testimony to unity and synergies between the countries of the path, it represents a growing desire to consolidate and strengthen the European network of the Via Francigena routes.

In recent years Massimo Tedeschi, EAVF President, and Luca Bruschi, EAVF Director, have been in constant contact with Velia Coffey, deputy general manager of the Canterbury City Council and vice-president of AEVF at the time, this long-lasting dialogue confirmed a common understanding of the Via Francigena.

“Organizing the General Assembly on English soil is a great event for the Francigena family. – comments the President Tedeschi – This is a sensitive demonstration of the international dimension of the Via Francigena and the EAVF network. In addition to the numerous assemblies organized in Italy, in recent years one meetings was held in Swiss Aigle and two in French Champlitte, the EAVF operational headquarters for the development of the Francigena in France, and in Besançon (Doubs, Bourgogne- Franche-Comté). The involvement of England and Canterbury for the 2020 assembly represents an important moment for the whole Association, bearing witness to our European soul.”
EAVF General Assembly will gather its members and friends from England, France, Switzerland and Italy for a 3-day meeting, however, the event is open for all those interested in the European itinerary.

The event will start on Thursday 14 May at 14.30 in the prestigious Guildhall with an official opening and proceedings, followed by an official dinner. In the morning 15 May will be held a workshop on sustainable development, organised by the Municipality of Canterbury. The afternoon 15 May will be dedicated to cultural discovery of the city.

A hike along the Via Francigena will be organised on Saturday 16 May: we will travel the very first stretch of the route, following the footsteps of Sigeric.

Attached downloadable (also in French):

the programme of the event;

all logistical information regarding the event