Via Francigena

Round table on the theme of religious tourism

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

After the latest agreement between the Region Emilia-Romagna and the Episcopal Conference Emilia-Romagna, it has been decided to establish a permanent round table on the theme of religious tourism. Tomorrow the new workgroup, to which the European Association of the Vie Francigene takes part, will take office in Bologna.

The aim of the project is to start a round table on the theme of religious tourism, where to give value to the aspects concerning the construction of the product and its enhancement and promotion. a particular consideration will be given to the aspects concerning the development of the segment at a national and international level.


The table gives particular relevance to the theme of the participation of institutions and local communities, of Dioceses and tourism businesses, in order to achieve the following goals:

– exchange of information;

– creation of a network of representatives;

– collection of informative material;

– monitoring of the roads and the pilgrimage paths;

– realisation of focused and shared promo-communicational actions, which are coherent with the guidelines in the tourist field of the region Emilia-Romagna and with the spirit of the Commission for the CEER’s Pastoral of Tourism.