Via Francigena

Day 11 – from Ablain Saint Nazaire to Arras

The stage


20 km by foot. Saturday 26th of June

Today we “only” walk 20km and in the second part of the day we are delighted by a shy sunshine. We couldn’t have asked anything more from this beautiful day!

We soon leave Ablain Saint Nazaire and find ourselves sharing our walking trip with 16 new pilgrims which will arrive in Arras with us. The word of our Road to Rome is spreading out, and seeing such involvement of local communities is one of the most beautiful results we achieved until now!

The stage is quite simple and mostly flat, there are no technical difficulties. Halfway through the stage we enjoy a stop in the small village of Mont Saint Eloi, with its 1000 inhabitants. Here we find the majestic ruins of the towers of and old abbey. The view is really scenic and it is a good opportunity to take a few shoots with the drone. The Mayor and Municipal administration welcome us. After the guided tour, we all sit together at the table of the local brasserie Table des Tours, which offers a great pilgrim’s menu. A beautiful example of warm welcoming of rambles!

We depart again towards Arras along urban streets and paths wrapped in the surrounding greenery. Finally we walk into the charming capital of North Pas de Calais. Our final destination and hosting location is at the Cathedral.

Tomorrow we have a day off, we will have the time to visit entirely this beautiful city in the north of France.


Towers of the Abbey Mont Saint Eloi

Historical center, hotel de ville and beffroi, Cathedral of Arras


Luca Bruschi, Director (EAVF)

Didier Morel (FFVF)

Clair Waiss (FFR)

Massimo Tedeschi, President (EAVF)

Mattia Poppa, video maker

Group of local walkers