Via Francigena

VF Art trail corretto
England: Via Francigena Art Trail project

The European Association of the Via Francigena ways is delighted to announce the launch of the Via Francigena Arts Trail project, which allows creation of three public art commissions along the English stretch of the route.

Ambitious in quality, and speaking to pilgrimage and local heritage with contemporary relevance, the artworks will provide an opportunity for rest and contemplation, as well as highlight the natural landscape and inspiring views. At least one installation is to be located within the Canterbury District and one within Dover District.

The Project is funded by the Interreg Europe Green Pilgrimage Project and managed by the Dover Arts Development. The Via Francigena Arts Trail will form part of a longer Arts Trail created by The EXPERIENCE Project, delivered by the Kent Downs AONB Unit.

Peter Morris, the North Downs Way (NDW) National Trail manager, will contribute to this project. He says ‘[…] The Via Francigena Arts Trail project has a rural focus. It will be really interesting to see how artists interpret the landscape and pilgrim heritage of this section of the route. We can’t wait for these pieces to be installed, providing people with more and new reasons to visit the trail’.

The Via Francigena Art Trail will contribute to the creation and promotion of off-season experiential tourism products and sustainable rural tourism.

More information here and

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