Via Francigena

VII Forum of the Via Francigena Municipalities starts in Monteriggioni: “Via Francigena. Work in Progress”

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

2020 opens with the traditional meeting in Monteriggioni, Italy – the annual Via Francigena Forum of the Municipalities along the route.  The 7th edition of the Forum is called “Via Francigena. Work in progress” and takes place on 1 February in the monumental complex of Abbadia Isola.

The Forum provides an excellent networking opportunity for institutions, associations and local representatives. The programme, divided into two days, will allow participants to learn about the development of the Via Francigena path through multiple insights, thematic tables and moments of reflection and sharing.

The meeting on Friday 31 January, starting at 16.00, provides a precious opportunity for a best practice exchange on the subject of hospitality along the way, hostels, hospitaleros, associations and pilgrims. This topic also allows a fruitful dialogue between the institutional and religious sectors.

The second work day on Saturday 1 February is divided into two sessions: morning round table on best regional practices in terms of management and governance of the route, pilgrims’ reception and the collaboration between the EAVF and the Consortium of the Tuscan ham. Finally, an in-depth analysis of the Bonizio the Lands of the Via Francigena route valley will be presented.

At the end of the morning session the mayor of Monteriggioni, Andrea Frosini, will give the Sigeric’s Prize, the recognition established by the Municipality of Monteriggioni, to pay homage to those who have distinguished themselves in the protection, enhancement and promotion of the Via Francigena.

The afternoon session is dedicated to the discussion among the Via Francigena municipalities at thematic tables to reflect on new strategies for promoting the path. The following projects will be discussed in details: experience of the “European Festival of Via Francigena and Routes – Collective Project”; presentation of “Toscana in Cammino” by the Municipalities leading the aggregations of the Tuscany Region and a creation of thematic tables on new strategies for promoting the path among the municipalities.

The Forum is organised by the Municipality of Monteriggioni in collaboration with Monteriggioni A.D. 1213 srl and the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways.


  • Detailed programme
  • Save the date poster