Via Francigena

“Via Francigena Termale” in Tuscany. Project launch

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

Expanding the experience through a proposal dedicated to well-being: this is the idea behind “Via Francigena Termale“, a project that will be officially presented on Wednesday 10th October 2018

at 11:00am at the headquarters of Regione Toscana in Florence ( Endimione hall, Palazzo Toscana, Piazza Duomo). It will also involve the municipality leader of Gambassi Terme, the Tuscany Region and the European Association of Via Francigena Ways (EAVF), in collaboration with Federterme.

In the last few months a pilot project has been set up in the Tuscan section of the Via Francigena with the aim of offering a special service to those who traverse the route on foot or by bike. The spa facilities are committed to welcoming pilgrims with an offer on transport, accommodation and health with moments of thermal well-being and reduced rates for those traveling with the EAVF Pilgrim Passport.

The project, with a dedicated section on the EAVF website, will subsequently be extended to other territories along the European Via Francigena.