Via Francigena

Via Francigena, Organisations and Associations in place for Maintenance in Tuscany

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

Maintenance work on the Via Francigena continues. In the last few weeks, thanks to the collaboration between organisations and local associations, the first grass cutting event was carried out along a part of the route in Tuscany, in the municipalities of San Gimignano, Colle Val d’Elsa, Monteriggioni, Siena, Monteroni d’Arbia and Radicofani.

The Municipality of Siena, as leader of the associated management for the enhancement of the Via Francigena with the collaboration of the region of Tuscany, carried out route care and control in order to make the route safer and accessible.

The monitoring and mapping of critical issues carried out by the Trekking Group of Siena in collaboration with the EAVF, the municipalities involved and local associations, made it possible to verify the route’s status from different perspectives: from signage to practicability with attention to fountains along the way. These activities will continue with the maintenance of greenery in the other municipalities, the integration of the signage and cleaning of the paths.

The Municipality of Siena, in particular the Mayor De Mossi, immediately paid particular attention to the enhancement of religious paths. To this end, we created an operational unit for Sovracomunali projects, which constitute a reference point for this important type of tourism and for all the Municipalities involved, playing a stable role in the promotion and coordination of routes“, explains the councillor for tourism of Siena, Alberto Tirelli.

Another step forward for the Via Francigena, a more and more popular destination for tourists and pilgrims, as well as a location for major events. On 12th and 13th October, in fact, the stretch from Siena to Acquapendente will be the setting for a new edition of the World Francigena Ultramarathon – two days of trekking and Nordic walking to discover a territory rich in natural and artistic beauty along Sigeric’s ancient route.

See pictures of the maintenance of greenery in Siena, San Gimignano, Monteriggioni and Colle Val d’Elsa.