Via Francigena

Via Francigena, a record year

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

Already passed the first pilgrim in 2010 were 210. Are you a good morning starts in the morning, The new year promises to be a record: the first arrived on January 4 2011 Pilgrim Via Francigena housed in the Benedictine grange in Orio Litta. Her name is Michele Bonelli and Milan Porta Ticinese. “I wanted a good start to the year”: this is the explanation given to the mayor Pierluigi Cappelletti (also president of the Committee welcome pilgrims ViaFrancigena).

Certainly, Bonelli has so far beaten all: last year, the first arrival was that of Gerhard Bruchner sexton of Monaco of Bavaria, arrived in Orio January 14, while in 2009 Roberta Ferraris was the writer, co-author of several guide of the Touring Club, arriving in Low “only” 22 January. Waiting to see how many pilgrims will arrive this year, Orio Litta rubs his hands all over 210 pilgrims staying in the grange in 2010. So many meetings, many reflections left by pilgrims in the register. Here is the memory of the French Mathieu Gabarra, located in grange January 26, bound for Mongolia. “Foreigners are many states, especially France and Switzerland, ‘says Cappelletti. On May 21, here Henri Bretonniere on their way from France to Jerusalem, four days later came the turn of a couple Australia in Canberra, and Helen Graham, who are in the grange of Lonate Pozzolo with Mario.
“For two years it is normal to accommodate the pilgrims at the same time different, which has never happened before,” Cappelletti stresses. Among the curiosities of this year, one of amarcord: writer Ferraris back a second time in Orio and writes the log, “I was here with temperature Polar in 2009 and today there are 30 degrees on July 7. I do not carry a. ” Only in July the Romei were 29 (five of them coming from Sweden) on August 37. Among these, there are also Mariano and Daniel, coming from Canterbury and write: “beautiful place, one of the best We have never seen, including Santiago. ” But among the pilgrims there are American, English, Spanish, Dutch and Belgians. On 30 September, the hospitality for the first time two young Lutherans Americans, Andrew and Sarah Wilson, October is the month of the French, but begins with two Scottish Inverness. Remember also that of between 5 November, when it comes to the German Patrick Steffan, pushing a wheelbarrow which carries his stuff. He writes: “Some people talk, Some People Walk: I walk. ” The last pilgrim arrives Dec. 28, is Paul Andrea Fantin from Vicenza, manager on leave from the stress with family leave.

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