Via Francigena

Via Francigena, 3rd Edition of the Literary Award “Intanto Parto..Racconti e Parole in Cammino”

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

The literary prize dedicated to unpublished stories by authors, amateurs and professionals, telling the story of the journey along the Via Francigena and other routes, has come to its 3rd year.

A narrative from different points of view goes beyond the classic ‘travel diary’, guiding the reader between reality and imagination along the path of the soul and thought with no geographical or temporal boundaries. This is the invitation addressed to all writers from the Via Francigena literary prize, supported by Betti Editrice in collaboration with the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways and the Tuscany Region.

This competition is focused on the path and enhances the experience of slow travel: exploration of territories and meeting with people who live there, learning great stories and events.

The best promotion of a trip is the word of mouth and the story of experience – underlines the regional councilor for tourism Stefano Ciuoffo, who participated in the presentation of the initiative, – for Francigena a written experience of the path done by the pilgrim is undoubtedly an effective method to convey the beauty of this itinerary.”

The Tuscany region heavily invested in the Via Francigena that crosses 38 municipalities of the region and every year attracts about 100.000 visitors from all over the world, ready to discover culture, landscapes, food and wine along 380 km of Tuscany. Therefore, a literary prize dedicated to the experience of slow travel could only be born in Tuscany.

Until February 7, 2020, unpublished short stories in Italian of minimum 10,000 up to 30,000 characters can participate in the competition. Apart from the common competition, there will be a special prize awarded by the jury to participants under 25 to strengthen the work started with high schools in the last edition. The three winners will be awarded at a public event and the ten finalists will be published in a volume edited by Betti Editrice.

For information: – ​​Tel. +39 351 8353373

