Via Francigena

Tour Operators along the Path: EAVF Partners’ Netwrok Grows

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

Walking or cycling along the Via Francigena, a few days or entire weeks, independently or with the support of professional guides, alone or in groups – each traveller follows his own inner rhythm.

Whatever the method is, more and more people from all over the world recognize that what matters is to travel, be on the road, live an experience out of the ordinary along a path of inestimable historic, cultural and landscape value.

The European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF) continues to dialogue with dozens of tour operators and associations that offer travel for every need on the Via Francigena route.

The collaboration has been going on for several years with many of these organizations, such as Vie del Sole, Sloways, Trekkilandia, Mediterraid, Walden. Thanks to them hundreds of walkers and cyclists were able to better appreciate the path, immersing themselves in the beauties of unique experience.

Since 2020, aiming at ever expanding a variety of Francigena travel and services offered, Tuscany Quintessence became a part of the EAVF network, offering an e-bike experience in the Tuscan stretch. While Genius Loci provides a self-guided journey from Siena to Bolsena. Soon we will get to know better these two new partners in a series of short interviews.

The EAVF provides a bridge between a community of enthusiasts of the Via Francigena and slow travel and professionals, offering experiences of extraordinary value along the Sigeric’s route – those, who know how to narrate his story and make it live in an authentic way.

The network’s common intent is to promote sustainable tourism and to help create concrete and lasting links between territories, hospitality facilities, knowledge and above all – people along the Via Francigena.

If you are a Tour Operator or an association active along the itinerary, write to us or visit us here, we can’t wait to meet you!

If you want to travel, all you have to do is to choose the best trip for you here!

We are waiting for you on the Via Francigena!