Via Francigena

‘Torno a Casa a Piedi’ Tour, Jack Jaselli’s Stops along the Francigena

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

Jack Jaselli’s Torno a casa a piedi tour” from Pavia to Rome will begin on 16th April. The singer, born in Milan and raised travelling the world, is ready to tour his last album “Torno a Casa” with a journey along the Francigena.

Pilgrim of the Via di Francesco, Jack Jaselli returns to pilgrimage, but this time along the Via Francigena with a project centred around travel, a narration of the area and meetings along the way. It’s a slow-paced tour open to all, supported by the European Association of Via Francigena Ways. It’ll be a journey of music and joy which will cross section after section of this route.

The days and stops, as you can see, are based on the “stations” of the Via Francigena and being a musical tour, there will be events, concerts and meetings: something will always be happening, even the unexpected“, says the singer on his Facebook page.

Music, but overall listening: Jack Jaselli will narrate the territory with its places and people. Meetings with notable artists, friends of Jack, are expected at some stops and mini-live concerts will take place in special places. As well as the Discovery documentary, the Jack Jaselli tour will be a social narrative. The singer will share his journey on Radio Francigena, la voce dei cammini and through his official websites. 

Calendar (Stops are an approximate overview of the tour):

16/4 Stop 1 – Pavia – Belgioioso 20.9 Km
17/4 Stop 2 – Belgioioso – Orio Litta 30 Km
18/4 Stop 3 – Orio Litta – Piacenza 22 Km
19/4 Stop 4 – Piacenza – Fiorenzuola 32 Km
20/4 Stop 5 – Fiorenzuola – Fidenza 22,5 Km
21/4 Stop 6 – Fidenza – Medesano 22,5 Km
22/4 Stop 7 – Medesano – Cassio 20 Km
23/4 Stop 8 – Cassio – Berceto 10 Km
24/4 Stop 9 – Berceto – Pontremoli 30 Km
26/4 Stop 10 – Pontremoli – Villafranca Lunigiana 12 Km
27/4 Stop 11 – Villafranca – Aulla 10 Km
28/4 Stop 12 – Aulla – Sarzana 18 Km
29/4 Stop 13 – Sarzana – Massa 29 Km
30/4 Stop 14 – Massa – Pietrasanta 12 Km
1/5 Stop 15 – Pietrasanta – Valpromaro 17 Km
2/5 Stop 16 – Valpromaro – Lucca 20 Km
3/5 Stop 17 – Lucca – Altopascio 19 Km
4/5 Stop 18 – Altopascio – San Miniato 29 Km
5/5 Stop 19 – San Miniato – Gambassi Terme 24 Km
6/5 Stop 20 – Gambassi Terme – San Gimignano 13,5 Km
7/5 Stop 21 – San Gimignano – Monteriggioni 31 Km
9/5 Stop 22 – Monteriggioni – Siena 21 Km
10/5 Stop 23 – Siena – Ponte D’arbia 26 Km
11/5 Stop 24 – Ponte D’arbia – Castiglione D’orcia 34 Km
13/5 Stop 25 – Castiglione D’orcia – Radicofani 25 Km
14/5 Stop 26 – Radicofani – Acquapendente 24 Km
16/5 Stop 27 – Acquapendente – Bolsena 23 Km
17/5 Stop 28 – Bolsena – Montefiascone 19 Km
18/5 Stop 29 – Montefiascone – Viterbo 18 Km
19/5 Stop 30 – Viterbo – Vetralla 17 Km
20/5 Stop 31 – Vetralla – Sutri 24 Km
21/5 Stop 32 – Sutri – Campagnano 24 Km
22/5 Stop 33 – Campagnano – Formello 23 Km
23/5 Stop 34 – Formello – Rome 19 Km

Buon cammino Jack!