The European Association of the Via Francigena ways EAVF joints the crowdfunding campaign of the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome to collect funds for a new boat to Danilo Parisi at
Danilo Parisi and his ferry boat hold a special place in the memory and affection of the thousands of Via Francigena pilgrims who have crossed the River Po under his care on their way to Rome.
Earlier this year, while Lombardy was the epicentre of the Covid-19 epidemic in Europe, Danilo’s boat was stolen. It was discovered, sunk, some four kilometres down river, and it could only now be dredged as the Po had been in spring spate. The outboard motor had been taken and the boat wrecked.
Danilo’s insurance will cover fifty per cent of the €30,000 cost to replace the boat, which is why the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome, in partnership with the EAVF, is leading an appeal – on behalf of the whole Via Francigena family – to find the remaining half.
Please help us raise the remaining €15,000 needed to restore this unique ferry crossing, and allow future pilgrims to enjoy the wonderful ride across the Po – and Danilo to resume his role as the legendary ferryman of the River Po.
Please contribute today at