Via Francigena


Walks and Routes, 16th April: the deadline for the Santa Margherita call

Until noon of the 16th April 2018 applications to participate in the valorisation lease will be accepted – ex art. 3 bis of the D.L. n. 351/2001, up to 50 years, of the “Former Santa Margherita school” in Strada Santa Margherita 81, S.P. 71, Fidenza, in the province of Parma.

The property, owned by the municipality of Fidenza, is part of the network project of the Agenzia del Demanio, promoted by MIBACT and MIT, which aims at the redevelopment and reuse of public buildings located along cycle paths and historical-religious routes. The call is open to all and to participate you must present a proposal that includes not only the redevelopment project of the asset, but also the offer of a fee.

The school complex of about 550 square meters of floor space is located in a rural area and more precisely in the Santa Margherita district of the town of Fidenza. Immersed in the countryside, it is well connected to the city and easily accessible. It is a rural building, designed in 1900, which still maintains the original structure with decorative features typical of the beginning of the century. In recent years it has been used as a museum of agricultural civilisation.

Some clarifications: each competitor must propose the solution he considers most appropriate in compliance with the existing territorial and urban planning instruments, focusing attention on the aspects indicated in the Call for Proposals. The successful bidder will carry out all the recovery, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations and the related works envisaged in the project proposal presented, within a 36 month period from the signing of the concession/lease agreement.

It is not possible to sublet to third parties, but all or part of the management activities envisaged in the project can be subcontracted to third parties. Therefore, in the light of this consideration, the real estate, even under single business direction, could host some of the following functions: hospitality; catering; sale of typical products and zero km food, wine and local crafts; specialised material sale for cyclists and walkers; specialised complementary services (e.g. equipped areas, bike and taxi services, small cycle stations, cycle shops, cargo food); a local promotion office; a tourist office; an info point; a territorial area; social activities and events; recreational, cultural, creative services, complementary for users with specific needs (e.g. children, the elderly, the disabled, etc.); personal services; training areas dedicated to the themes of slow tourism and professionalism in the sector; a supervised medical clinic with first aid, physiotherapy, wellness centre and SPA etc.

A conditional offer on obtaining any type of loan is not eligible, but there are many financing opportunities that the Region of Emilia Romagna, with the European structural funds, will make available for future deals. Last but not least, it is important to clarify that future possibilities of purchase of the property are not lacking, according to the provisions of paragraph 4 of art. 3-bis of the D.L. n. 351/2001, according to which “at the end of the period of time provided for concessions and leases referred to in this article, the owner recognises the Concessionaire/Lessee, where there is no need for use for institutional purposes, the right of pre-emption for the purchase of the asset, at the market price“.

Download the announcement  with all the information.

Download the F.A.Q.‘s

Walks and Routes, 16th April: the deadline for the Santa Margherita call



Michel e Claude, da Canterbury a Roma in cammino per la speranza

Michel e Claude, sono due pellegrini francesi che hanno iniziato a camminare lungo la Via Francigena per l’associazione “Roulons pour l’Espoir”.
Sono partiti il 29 marzo scorso da Canterbury e il loro obiettivo è raggiungere a Roma dopo 80 giorni. di cammino. Michel e Claude marciano a sostegno dell’associazione francese, seguendo l’impresa portata a termine dal gruppo di ciclisti nel 2017 partiti da Besançon e arrivati a Roma dopo aver percorso mille km in 10 tappe. 
L’obiettivo è quello di coinvolgere le persone incontrate lungo il cammino e raccogliere fondi ad ogni km percorso per le finalità benefiche dell’associazione. Una missione che ha bisogno dell’aiuto di tutti. Le associazioni e i pellegrini che desiderano accompagnare o ospitare i due camminatori possono registrarsi e mettersi in contatto attraverso il sito  o sostenere l’associazione visitando il sito:
In allegato consulta il calendario delle tappe del cammino di Michel e Claude.

“Walk for hope” with Michel and Claude

“Roulons pour l’espoir” (“Ride for hope”) presents Michel and Claude, two frenchmen who started to “walk for hope” along the Via Francigena, just leaving Canterbury. They will reach Rome aiming supporting the cause of “Roulons pour l’espoir”, the group of cyclists who made the same course in 2017.
All together, they will invite people they met to contribute financially to the organisation of the “Sommets de l’espoir” (“Summits for hope”) by symbolically selling them walked kilometers.
“If you want to go fast, walk alone, but if you want to go far, let’s walk together”.Support us on
Associations and pilgrims that wish to accompany or hosting walkers have to register on the website (that will forward your offers to pilgrims, who will make contact with volunteers). Thanks for your participation to this great human adventure on this mythic route!


“Marchons pour l’espoir” avec Michel et Claude

“Roulons pour l’espoir” présente Michel et Claude, deux Français qui ont commencé à “marcher pour l’espoir” le long de la Via Francigena, au départ de Canterbury et à destination de Rome. Ils soutiennent la cause de “Roulons pour l’espoir”, le groupe de cyclistes qui fit le même parcours en 2017.
Tous ensemble, ils inviteront les populations rencontrées à contribuer financièrement à l’organisation des “Sommets de l’espoir” en leur vendant symboliquement des kilomètres parcourus.
“Si tu veux aller vite, marche seul, mais si tu veux aller loin, marchons ensemble”. Soutenez-nous sur
Les associations et pèlerins souhaitant accompagner ou héberger des marcheurs doivent s’inscrire sur le site (qui transmettra vos propositions aux pèlerins, qui recontacteront avec des volontaires).

Merci pour votre participation à cette grande aventure humaine sur cette route mythique !


Riunione del Comitato Europeo di Coordinamento Tecnico Interregionale

Il Comitato Europeo di Coordinamento Tecnico Interregionale (CECTI) torna a riunirsi per le progettualità comuni finalizzate allo sviluppo della via Francigena internazionale.Giovedì 19 aprile 2018, presso la sede di Regione Lombardia a Milano, in Piazza Città di Lombardia, è in programma il 12° incontro interregionale, coordinato da AEVF.

 La riunione affronterà i seguenti punti all’Ordine del Giorno:

  • Introduzione AEVF.
  • Esiti progettualità 2017 e attività svolte nelle singole Regioni della Francigena (focus percorso, sicurezza, manutenzione e segnaletica, accoglienza),
  • Le guide ufficiali della Via Francigena: a) tratto Canterbury-Passo del Gran San Bernardo b) tratto italiano (nuovo e-book e versione in FR). 
  • Creazione di Prodotto Turistico Omogeneo sulla Francigena in Regione Toscana. 
  • Coordinamento ricettività “Via Francigena Friendly” 
  • Osservatorio sui flussi di turisti/pellegrini lungo la Via Francigena.
  • Comunicazione e animazione dei territori lungo la Via. 

Funzioni del Comitato: il Comitato europeo di coordinamento tecnico interregionale (CECTI) è attivo dal 2012 ed è composto da due delegati di ciascuna Regione aderente al Protocollo di Intenti interregionale. Il Comitato intende facilitare azioni coordinate ed efficaci di sviluppo dell’itinerario nei singoli territori, attraverso un approccio comune a livello europeo, lo scambio di buone pratiche.

Il CECTI punta anche al raggiungimento di soluzioni condivise riguardanti la messa in sicurezza del percorso, la segnaletica, l’accoglienza e l’ospitalità, eventi congiunti, informazione e comunicazione coordinate, che assicureranno  quella continuità transnazionale necessaria per il mantenimento della menzione di itinerario culturale del Consiglio d’Europa. 

AEVF coordina l’incontro che dal 2012 si svolge una o due volte all’anno.

In allegato l’ordine del giorno in lingua inglese e francese.


Meeting of the European Committee for Interregional Technical Coordination

The European Committee for Interregional Technical Coordination (CECTI) returns to meet for common projects aimed at the development of the international Francigena route.

Thursday 19th April 2018, at the headquarters of the Region of Lombardy in Milan, in Piazza Città di Lombardia, 12 Inter-regional meetings have been scheduled, coordinated by the EAVF.

 The meeting will address the following points on the agenda:

EAVF introduction.

Outcomes of 2017 planning and activities carried out in the individual regions of the Francigena (focus on route safety, maintenance, signage, and reception).

The official guides of the Via Francigena: a) Canterbury-Passo del Gran San Bernardo tract b) Italian tract (new e-book and version in FR).

The creation of a Homogeneous Tourist Product on the Francigena in the Region of Tuscany.

“Via Francigena Friendly” accommodation coordination.

Observations on the flows of tourists/pilgrims along the Via Francigena.

Communication and animation of the territories along the Via.

Committee Functions: the European Interregional Technical Coordination Committee (CECTI) has been active since 2012 and is made up of two delegates from each Region, which adheres to the Interregional Protocol of Intent. The Committee intends to facilitate coordinated and effective development of the itinerary in individual areas, through a common approach on a European level, and the exchange of good practice.

The CECTI also aims to achieve shared solutions regarding the safety of the route, signage, reception and hospitality, joint events, and coordinated information and communication, which will ensure the transnational continuity necessary for the maintenance of the cultural route of the Council of Europe.

The EAVF will coordinate the meeting that has taken place once or twice a year from 2012.

Find the agenda in English and French below.


Réunion du Comité européen de coordination technique interrégionale

Le Comité Européen de Coordination Technique Interrégionale (CECTI) se réunit à nouveau pour les projets communs qui ont pour but le développement de la Via Francigena internationale. Cette 12ème rencontre interrégionale, gérée par l’AEVF, aura lieu le jeudi 19 avril 2018, au siège de la Région Lombardie à Milan, Place Città di Lombardia.

La réunion abordera les points suivants à l’Ordre du Jour :

  • Introduction de l’AEVF
  • Résultats des projets 2017 et activités effectuées dans chaque Région de la Francigena (focus parcours, sécurité, entretien et signalisation, accueil)
  • Le guide officiel de la Via Francigena : a) tronçon Canterbury – Col du Grand Saint Bernard b) tronçon italien (nouveau e-book et version FR)
  • Création du Produit Touristique Homogène sur la Francigena en Région Toscane
  • Coordination de l’accueil « Via Francigena Friendly »
  • Observatoire sur les flux de touristes/pèlerins le long de la Via Francigena
  • Communication et animation des territoires le long de la Via

Fonctions du Comité : le Comité européen de coordination technique interrégionale (CECTI) est actif depuis 2012 et est composé de deux délégués de chaque Région adhérente au Protocole d’Intentions interrégional. Le Comité compte faciliter les actions coordonnées et efficaces de développement de l’itinéraire dans chaque territoire, à travers une approche commune au niveau européen qui est l’échange de bonnes pratiques.

Le CECTI vise au partage de solutions à propos de la mise en sécurité du parcours, de la signalisation, de l’accueil et de l’hospitalité, des évènements communs, des informations et une communication coordonnées, qui assurent la continuité transnationale nécessaire au maintien de la mention d’itinéraire culturel du Conseil de l’Europe.

L’AEVF gère la rencontre qui, depuis 2012, a lieu une ou deux fois par an.

Ci-joint l’ordre du jour en anglais et en français.


SloWays e AEVF nel cuore della Via Francigena toscana

SloWays e Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene (AEVF) camminano insieme nel cuore della Toscana.

Dal 13 al 19 maggio 2018, è in programma una proposta di viaggio di gruppo a piedi lungo la Via Francigena organizzata in collaborazione tra AEVF e il tour operator expert partner di AEVF, SloWays. San Miniato, Gambassi Terme, San Gimigano e Siena: la settimana a passo lento in Toscana porterà alla scoperta di borghi e paesaggi unici della Via Francigena insieme ad AEVF e Roberta Ferraris, autrice di guide sulla Via Francigena, disegnatrice, cuoca, e appassionata camminatrice.

L’itinerario: partiremo da San Miniato, una delle perle nascoste della Via Francigena, e proseguiremo lungo un itinerario di straordinaria bellezza: dalla Pieve millenaria di Chianni, dove dormì lo stesso Sigerico, alle torri merlate del Castello di Monteriggioni, fino a Siena e le sue contrade. Da qui percorreremo le leggendarie strade bianche del Senese, tra panorami da sogno e borghi fortificati dove il tempo sembra essersi fermato, e arriveremo a Buonconvento, godendoci il viaggio fino all’ultimo giorno.

Scopri i dettagli del viaggio: 


SloWays and the EAVF in the heart of the Tuscan Francigena

SloWays and the European Association of Vie Francigene (EAVF) are walking together in the heart of Tuscany.

From the 13th to the 19th May 2018, a group travel proposal is planned along the Via Francigena, organised in collaboration with the EAVF and their tour operator expert partner, SloWays. San Miniato, Gambassi Terme, San Gimigano and Siena: this slow-pace week in Tuscany will lead to the discovery of the villages and unique landscapes of the Via Francigena. The group will be travelling with the EAVF and Roberta Ferraris, author of guides on the Via Francigena, designer, cook, and passionate walker.

The route: we will start in San Miniato, one of the hidden gems of the Via Francigena, and continue along a route of extraordinary beauty: from the thousand year old Parish Church of Chianni, where Sigeric slept, to the crenelated towers of the Monteriggioni Castle, continuing to Siena and its districts. From here we will travel the legendary white roads of the Sienese, from dreamy landscapes to fortified villages where time appears to have stopped, until arriving in Buonconvento, enjoying the journey as it progresses.

Find more details of the trip at: 


Sloways et l’AEVF au cœur de la Via Francigena Toscane

Sloways et l’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena (AEVF) marchent ensemble au cœur de la Toscane.

Du 13 au 19 mai 2018, une proposition de voyage en groupe à pied est au programme le long de la Via Francigena, organisé en collaboration avec l’AEVF et le tour opérateur partenaire expert de l’AEVF, Sloways. San Miniato, Gambassi Terme, San Gimignano et Sienne : la semaine à pas lent en Toscane amènera à la découverte de bourgs et de paysages uniques de la Via Francigena, avec l’AEVF et Roberta Ferraris, auteure du guide sur la Via Francigena, dessinatrice, cuisinière et marcheuse passionnée.

L’itinéraire : nous partirons de San Miniato, une des perles cachées de la Via Francigena et nous poursuivrons le long d’un itinéraire parsemé d’incroyables beautés : de l’Eglise millénaire de Chianni, où Sigéric a dormi, aux tours crénelées du Château de Monteriggioni, jusqu’à Sienne et ses quartiers. D’ici, nous parcourrons les légendaires routes blanches de Sienne, entre panoramas de rêve et bourgs fortifiés où le temps semble s’être arrêté, et nous arriverons à Buonconvento, en profitant du voyage jusqu’au dernier jour.

Télécharger les détails du voyage :