Via Francigena


Accommodation restaurant and facilities – Visit Vie Francigene

This section gathers both low cost accommodation for pilgrims and tourists, restaurant and facilities, located along the route of the Via Francigena. Information about this accommodation are featured with pictures and are available on the interactive maps of the route.

Covid-19 – 10 rules of a traveller for a safe hospitality

The accommodation highlighted in the Visit Vie Francigene lists have confirmed to be open. AEVF is not responsible for the adaptation that each structure is required to make as indicated in the national and regional regulations. It is advisable to contact each accommodation in advance to find out about the actual opening and book your stay: this year it is compulsory.


Download the Visit Vie Francigene lists in PDF format:


Is your property along the Via Francigena?

If you wish to appear on the lists of the Visit Vie Francigene project consult with the EAVF via the following email

Accommodations’ characteristics

The organization of reception facilities along the Via Francigena is not widespread and economic as on the Camino de Santiago. Even if the situation continues to improve, it is good to plan ahead, identifying at every stage an adequate accommodation to their needs.

Keep in mind that often the places of welcome have a few beds. We suggest you to book at the tourist facilities, while it is not necessary for the “pilgrims”. However, you should notify at least one day before, specifying the arrival time, because often the custodians of the hostels do not live in close proximity and without warning you may risk find enclosed rooms.

The average price for a night in one of the refuges for pilgrims is hardly ever more than 20 Euro (minimum 10, maximum even 25 euro for the more “touristy” hostels), but there are facilities (above all religious ones) who provide accommodation on an “offer” basis.

Discover the accomodation on “Francigena Friendly


Hébergements restaurants et services – Visit Vie Francigene

Cette section comprend les hébergements à bas prix pour les pèlerins et « touristiques », restaurants et services, situés le long de la route de la Via Francigena. Les informations sur ces hébergements sont également enrichies de photographies et sont disponibles sur les cartes interactives du parcours.

Covid-19 – Les 10 règles pour le voyageur pour un accueil sécurisé

Les hébergements mises en évidence dans les listes de Visit Vie Francigene ont confirmé leur ouverture. L’AEVF n’est pas responsable de l’adaptation que chaque structure est tenue de faire comme indiqué dans les réglementations nationales et régionales. Il est conseillé de contacter la structure à l’avance pour connaître l’ouverture effective et réserver votre séjour : cette année, c’est obligatoire.


Téléchargez les listes Visit Vie Francigene au format pdf :


Votre propriété se trouve le long de la Via Francigena ?

Si vous souhaitez figurer sur les listes du réseau Visit Vie Francigene, merci de consulter le cahier des charges et la fiche personnelle nécessaires pour vous inscrire (document en format word disponible ici), puis envoyez-le à

Les caractéristiques des logements

L’organisation des structures d’accueil le long de la Via Francigena n’est pas autant ramifiée et économique que le long du Chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Même si la situation continue à s’améliorer, il est nécessaire de s’organiser à l’avance, en identifiant dans chaque étape une structure d’accueil adéquate à ses propres exigences.

Prenez en compte le fait que souvent, les lieux d’accueil disposent de peu de lits. Nous vous conseillons de réserver auprès des structures touristiques, alors que ce n’est pas nécessaire pour celles « pèlerines ». Toutefois il vaut mieux prévenir un jour à l’avance, en spécifiant l’heure d’arrivée. Souvent, les gardiens des auberges ne vivent pas à proximité de la structure, et sans avertir, vous risquez de trouver les locaux fermés.

Le prix moyen pour une nuit dans les refuges pour les pèlerins est autour de 20 euros, mais il existe des structures, surtout religieuses, qui accueillent les pèlerins « à offre/don ».

Découvrez les hébergments “Francigena Friendly


Dove dormire e servizi – Visit Vie Francigene

Questa sezione comprende strutture di accoglienza “pellegrina” e “turistica” a basso costo, ristorazione e servizi, presenti lungo il percorso della Via Francigena.
Le informazioni di queste strutture sono corredate da materiale fotografico e sono presenti sulle cartine interattive del percorso.

Covid-19 – Le 10 regole del viandante per l’ospitalità sicura

Le strutture evidenziate all’interno degli elenchi Visit Vie Francigene hanno confermato di essere aperte. AEVF non è responsabile dell’avvenuto adeguamento che ogni struttura è tenuta ad effettuare come indicato nelle normative nazionali e regionali. Si consiglia di contattare preventivamente la struttura per informarsi sull’effettiva apertura e prenotare la permanenza: quest’anno è obbligatoria.


Scarica gli elenchi Visit Vie Francigene in formato pdf:


La tua struttura è lungo il tracciato della Via Francigena?

Se desideri comparire negli elenchi del progetto Visit Vie Francigene, consulta il disciplinare di progetto e la scheda anagrafica necessarie per l’iscrizione (formato compilabile qui), e inviale a, oppure chiama il +39 055 2340736.

Le caratteristiche degli alloggi

L’organizzazione delle strutture di accoglienza lungo la Via Francigena non è capillare ed economica come lungo il Cammino di Santiago. Anche se la situazione continua a migliorare, è bene organizzarsi in anticipo, identificando in ogni tappa una struttura ricettiva adeguata alle proprie esigenze.

Tenete conto che spesso i luoghi di accoglienza dispongono di pochi posti letto. Vi suggeriamo di prenotare presso le strutture turistiche, mentre non è necessario per quelle “pellegrine”. Tuttavia è bene avvisare almeno un giorno prima, specificando l’orario di arrivo, poiché spesso i custodi degli ostelli non vivono in prossimità della struttura e senza preavviso si può rischiare di trovare i locali chiusi. 

Il prezzo medio per una notte nei rifugi per i pellegrini non supera quasi mai i 20 Euro (minimo 10, massimo anche 25 euro per ostelli più “turistici”), ma esistono strutture (soprattutto religiose) che accolgono i pellegrini “a offerta”. 

Scopri le strutture “Francigena Friendly” 


Liens utiles

Voyages nationaux 
Voyages régionaux

Siti utili

Percorrenze nazionali 
Percorrenze regionali 

Useful Links

National transport 
Regional transport

National Connections


The Via Francigena is served by some of the major road and rail routes of the country, which in fact are the modern versions of the ancient road. Here is a list of the stages reached by national connections: 

  • From the Great Saint Bernard Pass to Vercelli
    The Great Saint Bernard Pass is crossed by the SS 27 (No. 21 in Switzerland), with limited passage due to snow between mid-April and mid-October. Coming from Switzerland you can use the St. Bernard Express service, that allows to charge bicycles as well. In summer (only from June and September) you can reach the Pass from Aosta with the Savda bus service or using the taxi and car with driver rental service proposed from the Val d’Aosta Region. Aosta and Ivrea are served by the A5 Turin-Aosta and regional trains on the Chivasso-Ivrea-Aosta. From Ivrea, the motorway branch of the A4 /5 Ivrea-Santhià, runs parallel to the route of the Via Francigena to Vercelli. Vercelli is a central location regarding train connections and motorways such as the A26 Voltri-Gravellona-Toce and the railway line Milano-Torino with intercity trains.

  • From Vercelli to Piacenza

    Pavia can by reached by highspeed trains (Intercity and Frecciabianca) on the Milano-Genova line, and is connected by the A53 to the A7 Milano-Serrvalle.  Pavia is also is connected by the A53 slip road to the A7 Milan-Serravalle. Joint railway and highway between the main country, Piacenza is linked to two motorways, the E70 Torino-Piacenza and the A1 Milan-Naples. Equally important rail links are on the Milan-Bologna (Intercity and Frecciabianca). Piacenza is also on the SS9 Via Emilia. 

  • From Piacenza to Lucca

    The SS9 Via Emilia, the railway line Milan-Bologna and the A1 Milan-Naples serve the main stages of the route up to the junction with the A15 Parma-La Spezia. Along the Apennine crossing Fornovo Val di Taro and Sarzana are the most accessible towns.  They are both on the A15 and on Pontremolese railway line Parma-La Spezia, on which interregional -trains also travel on the Milan-Livorno line. Sarzana is served by inter-regional trains on the railway line Genoa-Pisa. Lucca is on the motorway junction on the A11 Firenze-Mare and is connected to the A12 Genoa-Livorno with the SGC Florence-Pisa-Livorno (SGC FI-PI-LI). Regional trains on the Lucca-Pisa line link it with the Pisa Centrale railway junction, along the route Genoa-Livorno, served by fast trains (Frecciarossa, Frecciabianca, Intercity). 

  • From Lucca to Rome

    Siena, set back from the main national lines, can only be reached by regional trains on the Empoli-Siena line, and is connected to the A1 Milan-Naples from the Florence-Siena motorway heading north, and from the SS 326 Siena-Bettolle heading south. Equally difficult are connections to other towns of southern Tuscany and of Tuscia, but all can be reached from SS2 Via Cassia, a descendent of the Via Francigena and in various stretches has been turned into freeway. Viterbo is also connected to the A1 at Orte, with 675 SS Umbro-Laziale. Lines of the Regional railway Roma-Viterbo connect it with the capital.