Via Francigena

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Questionnaire RurAllure: aidez-nous à identifier les besoins et les motivations des pèlerins

L’AEVF, en tant que partenaire de rurAllure, l’ambitieux projet dans le cadre du programme européen Horizon2020, invite les pèlerins ainsi que les touristes à participer à un court questionnaire anonyme. Il est destinée à évaluer les différents intérêts des pèlerins le long des itinéraires, notamment en termes de culture et de patrimoine comme les visites de musées et de sites culturels, les événements locaux ou des expériences gastronomiques.

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Résilience et durabilité: Forum sur les itinéraires culturels

Du 29 septembre au 1er octobre 2021 a lieu le Forum Consultatif Annuel sur les itinéraires culturels. Organisé par le Conseil de l’Europe, l’événement rassemble des acteurs des secteurs de la culture et du tourisme unis par un thème commun – les itinéraires culturels.

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 “La légende de Sygeric : La véritable histoire de la Via Francigena”

« Écrit par Sabine Rostaing, en collaboration avec son mari Nicolas et son fils Matthias, comédien, “La légende de Sygeric : La véritable histoire de la Via Francigena” relate les faits historiques et les étapes du voyage de Sygéric, archevêque créateur (sans le savoir) de notre Via Francigena !

Ce livre, astucieusement rédigé sous la forme d’un conte théâtral retrace l’épopée de cet homme de manière vivante et humoristique.

L’écriture est légère et retranscrit les parcours à la fois historiques, culturels et religieux que proposent les chemins de l’AEVF, qui s’imprègnent de cet héritage d’autrefois. Cette lecture permettra aux initiés comme aux curieux d’avoir un accès virtuel et pluridimensionnel au cœur de nos magnifiques chemins, et cela, à travers le temps !

Un glossaire accompagnera votre lecture dans le but de vous initier avec légèreté aux différents usages langagiers de l’époque et vous permettra de vous plonger au sein de ce monde d’antan !

Pour accéder à plus de contenus informationnels et pratiques, vous pouvez accéder au site officiel de l’autrice du livre ainsi qu’aux différents podcasts et extraits déjà disponibles gratuitement :

Accéder aux extraits du livre :

Parcourir le site officiel :

Écouter les podcasts :

Pour vous procurer ce livre, prenez contact directement Sabine Rostaing grâce à ce lien :


À très vitre sur les chemins de la Via Francigena,

Buen Camino !

Via Francigena France. »


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Le projet PER VIAM – Pilgrims’ Routes in Action a été lancé à Turin

The kick-off meeting of the European project Per Viam – Pilgrims’ Routes in Action was held in Turin at the headoffice of SiTI- Higher Institute on Territorial System for Innovation, on 4th April 2012.

The project PER VIAM is coordinated by the European Association of Via Francigena in partnership with Italian Ministry of Cultural Affairs, European Institute of Cultural Routes, Regione Toscana, Canterbury City Council, Università di Bologna, SiTI – Higher Institute on Territorial System for Innovation, Nidaros Pilgrim Center.

During the meeting project partners could exchange about project objectives, expected results as well as planning project activities during the 12 months of project implementation. Project PER VIAM aims at improving European governance of Via Francigena as well as launch a platform of exchange with other pilgrimage routes certified by the Council of Europe: Saint Olav Way, Saint James of Compostela Pilgrims’ Routes, the Route of Saint Martin of Tours, Saint Michael’s Way.


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Festival Via Francigena Collective Project 2012

The project PER VIAM – Pilgrims’ routes in Actions supported the Festival Via Francigena Collective Project 2012. The European Association of Vie Francigene, in cooperation with Civita Association promoted the second edition of the European Festival “Via Francigena Collective Project”, a great festival which gathered many activities organized by the territories, enhancing their outstanding cultural, religious and artistic features linked to the ancient pilgrimage route.

The second edition of the Festival took place from June to September 2012 and gathered more than 200 events. Via Francigena partners in all four countries crossed by this pilgrimage route – Italy, Switzerland, France and England – participated through actions enhancing the local living culture and benefited from a European common communication and targeted promotion of the axis “from Canterbury to Jerusalem”. The final event took place in Canterbury on September 30th 2012.

The Festival represents an important European initiative encouraging active participation of the whole network of Via Francigena. Therefore, the Festival was a fundamental step in the implementation of the European Project “PER VIAM Pilgrims’ Routes in Action” leaded by the EAVF.

Find the brochure of the 2012 edition at the following link:


Final press conference

Walk in the footsteps of pilgrims


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Network of European regions along The Via Francigena : meetings in Florence (IT) and in Châlons-en-Champagne (FR)

The project Per Viam strongly encouraged a coordinated dialogue on a European dimension among the regional administrations crossed by The Via Francigena (14 regions) in order to encourage a common approach and find shared solutions on issues concerning all The Via (signposting, hospitality, European events, information and communication policies, etc.). Regione Toscana has developed in these years very good practices on planning and implementation of The Via Francigena product in the region. This action was thus lead by Regione Toscana and EAVF.

Two meetings took place in Florence, on 18th May 2012 and in Châlons-en-Champagne, on 24th and  January 2013, the latter hosted by Région Champagne-Ardenne. These meetings let all regional administrations and associations present the state of art of Via Francigena implementation in all European regions and increase a coordinated and integrated dialogue among them.

All the regions having participated at these meetings (10 regions out of 14) affirmed the importance to create a European interregional coordinating committee for The Via Francigena. The priority axis of cooperation within the Interregional Coordinating Committee were defined and approved in Châlons-en-Champagne.

Agenda Meeting Chalons-en-Champagne

Meeting presentations:


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Le réseau des universitée européennes pour la Via Francigena et les itinéraires européens de pèlerinage

A network which includes specialists in several subjects and fosters multicultural dialogue through scientific research and exchange of best practices, in support of didactic and research activity on the Via Francigena and pilgrimage routes.

With the coordination of Università di Bologna, PER VIAM academic partners implemented a program of 7 workshops and 1 cartographic and photographic exhibition on the Via Francigena and pilgrimage routes. The last workshop announced the official launch of the European University NEtwork of Knowledge (EUNEK) Via Francigena and pilgrimage routes.

The first technical panel of the network took place in Rimini on January 16th 2013.


For more information about the European University Network of Knowledge Via Francigena and Pilgrimage routes and the seminars, please see the attached documents at the bottom of this page and visit the following web site:

1st workshop EUNeK

Religious routes and European Universities, Old Cultural Crossroads of Knowledge . A Francigena project from Midle Age, 6th of June 2012, Pavia (Italy) – organized by Università di Pavia.

2nd workshop EUNeK

Pilgrimage Routes as Cultural and Religious Tourism in European and Mediterranean Destinations: Sharing Experiences and Best Practices, Barcelona and Montserrat-Manresa (Catalonia, Spain), 9 – 10th July 2012 – organized by Universitat de Barcelona / Ibertur.


3rd workshop EUNeK

The role of the network in the development of the Via Francigena of the south, 16th July 2012, Rome – organized by Società Geografica Italiana.

4th workshop EUNeK

Colloque itinérant dans Paris, à travers trois endroits du « Carré d’Or » de Paris mis en place par l’UFIC, 12th October 2012, Paris – organized by Université Paris Sorbonne.


5th workshop

Politics and tools for the enhancement of the tourist destinations along the Via Francigena, 21th November 2012, Lucca and Altopascio (Italy) – organized by Fondazione Campus Studi del Mediterraneo.


6th Workshop EUNeK

The Via Francigena in Southern Italy and the routes in the Mediterranean area, Vaste -Poggiardo (LE) organized by Università del Salento, 7th December 2012.


7th Final Workshop EUNeK

Tourism and Landscape along the Via Francigena: a persistent network of knowledge for European territorial development, 16th -17th -18th January 2013, Rimini – organized by Università di Bologna. Scuola Superiore di Scienze Turistiche.


Pavia workshop

Colloque Paris Routes Culturelles

La Via Francigena nella cartografia storica e nel patrimonio fotografico della società geografica italiana

Lecce workshop

Lucca workshoop

Barcelona workshop

Il ruolo della rete nello sviluppo della Via Francigena del Sud

Rimini workshop

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Réunion interministerielle sur la Via Francigena

Le Ministère italien de la Culture – Direction Générale Bibliothèques, Instituts Culturels et Droit d’Auteur – a reconfirmé son support à l’itinéraire de la Via Francigena au cours du projet PER VIAM, comme il avait déjà démontré dans les années passés à travers la validation et la géolocalisation du parcours officiel et la réalisation d’un portail institutionnel. Le Ministère a mis ses bonnes pratiques à la dispositions des participants pendant les ateliers du projet; de plus, il a organisé une réunion interministérielle qui a permis d’entamer un dialogue avec les collectivités territoriales pour favoriser une coordination nationale de la Via Francigena.

Agenda de la réunion 

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Network of European Pilgrimage routes

On 27th of July the European pilgrimage routes involved in Per Viam project participated at a study visit in Trondheim, the destination of the pilgrimage way of Saint Olav. The celebrations linked to Sain Olav’s day as well as the inauguration of the 50th edition of the Festival of Saint Olav let the participants make encounters and experience a very suggestive study visit.

This was also the opportunity for the pilgrimage routes involved to exchange about common issues, such as signposting, hospitality, ICT, transnational cultural events. The aim of this action is to create a permanent platform of exchange among the pilgrimage routes certified by the Council of Europe, with the assistance of the European Institute of Cultural Routes.

Pilgrimage routes platform


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Final meeting of the project Per Viam – Luxembourg

The project partners presented the project outcomes in Luxembourg, on February 21st 2013, hosted by the European Institute of Cultural Routes, in Neumünster Abbey. The partners also discussed about future cooperation. Project Per Viam put the base for a medium and long-term cooperation among all the partners on behalf of Via Francigena, European pilgiramge routes, cultural and slow Tourism in Europe.

You can find all the presentations of the conference at the following link:


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