As announced at the General Assembly in Calais on 26 May, EAVF is undergoing the ordinary four-year evaluation (2020-2023) by the European Institute of Cultural Routes (EICR) in Luxembourg to confirm the certification of the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Santa Maria di Leuca as a “Council of Europe Cultural Route” and the qualification of EAVF as a carrier network of the Via Francigena.
On 27.7.2023, the EAVF staff prepared and forwarded the evaluation dossier (in French) to Luxembourg: “I would like to emphasise the great ideal and strategic value of belonging to the large family of the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes for the promotion of peace, dialogue between cultures and human rights,” said Association President Massimo Tedeschi.
The evaluation process now includes:
- Appointment of an international evaluator who will prepare the evaluation report on the entire European route by December 2023, covering governance, management, network, activities, route management, signposting, reception, correct use of the logo; the appointed evaluator will be able to make direct contact with EAVF members, carry out on-site inspections or request questionnaires to be completed;
- EICR and Bureau of the Governing Board (of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes), having examined the evaluator’s report, give their opinion;
- the Governing Board meets in Luxembourg (April 2024) for its final decision; a representative of the Route is scheduled to be heard there.