The first inspections of the works in progress for the installation of the signposting have been completed. This action will contribute to enhance the route of the Via Francigena in Southern Italy.
The signposting works in Puglia region, Italy, are being carried out by the Regional Strategic Agency for Sustainable Development of the Territory (ASSET) in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Cultural Economy, and Territorial Enhancement of the Puglia Region, and with the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF), which is committed to the realisation of actions for structuring the route through its operational arm, Francigena Service srl.
The project includes the installation of vertical and horizontal signposts and 40 information and welcome panels in Italian and English, as well as the verification of the safety of the route along the entire Apulian route, which crosses more than 50 municipalities. Moreover, thanks to these activities that focus on the development and safety of the route, the ‘restyling’ of signposting in Apulia continues: the first “cippi” (milestones inspired by the Camino de Santiago) were already introduced an year ago (read more here).
This time, the technical inspections and site visits focused on the Via Litoranea section (Manfredonia – Bari), where the “cippi” and directional signage have been installed up to the borders of the municipality of Giovinazzo. The placement of numerous informational and welcome signs has also been verified, with their installation set to take place in the coming weeks.
This project confirms the strong interest of the Puglia Region in making the Via Francigena increasingly safe and accessible, paving the way for significant structural investments not only to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists near the most delicate passages, but also to develop tourism in the areas surrounding Sigeric’s route. The results of this significant project will be presented on October 18 in Monte Sant’Angelo during the AEVF General Assembly.
Small but significant steps toward a more welcoming and continuously evolving Via Francigena in Southern Italy!