Via Francigena

rurAllure: Promotion of rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of European pilgrimage routes

The rurAllure action aimed to leverage the state-of-the-art in information technologies in order to promote rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of major European pilgrimage routes. The goal of the project was to foster symbiosis between the rural environment and the pilgrimage routes to enrich the cultural experience of the pilgrimage by the vast cultural heritage of rural areas that most often goes unnoticed.

rurAllure presented Europe’s cultural heritage in the wider historical and geographical context, leveraging the role of museums in preserving and managing cultural heritage, and collaborating with national and transnational associations to develop and promote cultural tourism.

It also fostered sustained cooperation between museums and heritage sites to increase European public interest, cultural tourism and the innovation potentials of these institutions for heritage sciences and the cultural and creative sectors. Finally, it conducted work to identifying gaps and obstacles, as well as best practices and fields where research and innovation can develop new solutions for successful cooperation.

The EAVF was the leader of the work package “Dissemination and Outreach” together with technical partners and research centres. The package foresees communication and promotional activities, development of the website and mobile application; online network of the museum and heritage sites; creation of visibility materials; participation in tourism fairs.

The EAVF was also involved in the project pilot “Thermal heritage on the road to Rome”, led by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the University of Padova and Venice with participation of 3 pilgrimage routes: Via Francigena, Via Romea Strata and Via Romea Germanica. The pilot is focused on identification of the thermal and cultural heritage along the routes and in vicinity of the route (0 -50 km distance from the official path); creation of network of the heritage sites and museums along and in vicinity of the routes and promotion of the routes and heritage.

The EAVF  contributed to this work package with the research on heritage and museums along the Via Francigena; creation of an atlas of heritage and museums; profiling pilgrims and disseminating the results.

EAVF Team Leader: Elena Dubinina

Communication expert: Simona Spinola

Project assistant: Nicole Franciolini

Total EU Contribution: EUR 2.999.205,00

Project Duration in months: 36

Start Date: 01/01/2021

End Date: 31/12/2023

More information on the project website:

Cordis webpage

Related news:

Via Francigena achievements in the European project rurAllure 2021 – 2023

rurAllure achievements 2021 – 2023