Via Francigena

Leg 44 - From Campagnano to La Storta

Leg 44 - From Campagnano to La Storta

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Campagnano di Roma, Chiesa del Gonfalone
  • Arrival: La Storta, Chiesa Parrocchiale
  • Total Length: 22,9 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium

Leaving Campagnano you can adimire the enchanting views of Latium countryside, before coming at Veio Park, where you flank the Church of Madonna del Sorbo. Cross the inhabited area of Formello, where there is a wonderful hostel in the historical Palazzo Chigi, in order to undertake a long track later till Isola Farnese and La Storta. Bar and water in Formello and Isola Farnese.
