Via Francigena

Leg 42 - From Vetralla to Sutri

Leg 42 - From Vetralla to Sutri

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Vetralla, Duomo
  • Arrival: Sutri, Anfiteatro romano
  • Total Length: 23,9 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium

Leaving Vetralla, walk along a beautiful wooden track before reaching the Church of Madonna di Loreto. Then you go through a huge estate of hazelsnut trees and flank some monumental oaks before arriving at Oralndo Towers, the ruins of an old monastery. Keep on walking towards the pretty village of Capranica, then heading for Sutri, an unknown attraction along Via Francigena, including an amphitheatre quarried in tuff, the Mithraeum, and the enchanting historical centre. Water and road-houses only in Capranica.

'' Download tha map and the audio guides in mp3 format of points of interest in the stage

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