Via Francigena

Leg 42 - From Martano to Otranto

Leg 42 - From Martano to Otranto

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Martano
  • Arrival: Otranto
  • Total Length: 30,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard

From Martano, to reach the centre of Carpignano Salentino, you must return to the Church of the Madonnella and, from here, take a route made up of ancient cart tracks that run alongside the ruins of the church of San Cosma and lead to the town.

Here, be sure not to miss a visit to the crypt of Santa Cristina. From here, you walk along a cycle path to reach Serràno and then Cànnole, which you leave by taking the “Scoppelle” local road. This will lead you to Masseria Torcito, immersed in a pine forest. Crossing more cart tracks, you’ll leave the forest and continue on a pretty much straight route to the Montevergine Sanctuary, an important place for pilgrimages, from where you can descend to reach the centre of Palmariggi. Taking a cycle path, turn left along via Vecchia in the direction of Giurdignano and, as you approach Masseria Quattro Macine, you’ll come across an abandoned medieval hamlet. From here, you can reach an area where you can admire dolmens and menhirs. After reaching Giurdignano and visiting the Mother Church of St. Rocco, the holy pilgrim, you can leave the centre by walking towards the church of SS. Rosario. From here, the Via Francigena passes through beautiful olive groves and a holm oak wood before reaching the Valle dell’Idro gorge, the Sant’Angelo grotto and then the centre of Otranto, with its stunning Cathedral and Byzantine church dedicated to St. Peter.
