Via Francigena

Insuperabile, the relay march of inclusion

While the Road to Rome group continues its trip across Italy, the last 14th of August another important relay march started from the Great Saint Bernard towards Rome, which will be reached on the 12th of September in 45 stages.

This is Insuperabile (i.e. ‘unsurpassable’), the relay march of solidarity, sponsored by EAVF, featuring groups of people with physical and cognitive disabilities who walk the Via Francigena. Sevuoipuoi, Pedalabile, Albergo Etico, Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo, Alzheimer Camuno Sebino Onlus, ASD Filippide Cagliari and Associazione diversamente ODV are all organizations involved in the initiative, born to raise public awareness on the importance of movement as a means to prevent and mitigate symptoms of many pathologies.

“For all of us the objective is to move on, continue on our way despite all the difficulties we will encounter along the route, just as in life, and hand on our testimonium to the next protagonists of the march. The metaphor is even richer of significance for those who face their own journey every day, overcoming obstacles such as disability and pathology”, they tell us from the organization.

Some participants will walk the Via Francigena; others will cycle in tandem, autonomously or with the support of an assistant. Everyone will take their part in the game to hand over a unique testimonium: a witness of solidarity, inclusion, and hope.

The Insuperabile event is organized by Libera Accademia del Movimento Utile, a no-profit association founded in 2014 by Gabriele Rosa, cardiologist doctor and training coach, and by the amateur team ASD Rosa Running Team.

For more information check the full program here.

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