Via Francigena


The first literary pilgrim relay on the Via Francigena is made by women

From the 3rd of August to the 19th of October it is possible to participate to the first “Literary pilgrim relay” along the Via Francigena, organized by the Rete Nazionale Donne in Cammino group as an integration to #RoadtoRome2021.


Celebrating the Napoleonic 2021 by foot on the Via Francigena

On Thursday the 5th of August, two important occurrences converged on the Via Francigena stage, to celebrate, on foot, the bicentenary of the death of Napoleon and the 20th anniversary of the Association. 


Francigena Fidenza Festival: 16 – 19 September 2021

From the 16th to the 19th of September 2021, in Fidenza (Parma), the first edition of the Francigena Fidenza Festival will take place: an international event dedicated to the Via Francigena and to all walking routes in Italy and in Europe.


We are inaugurating the first TWIN Cabin on the Cisa pass!

On the 31st of July, on the historical Cisa pass in the municipality of Berceto, the first TWIN Cabin will be inaugurated. The accommodation structure will open to ‘slow’ tourists, traveling by foot or by bike along the Sentiero Italia CAI and the Via Francigena.


“The legend of Sigeric: the true story of the Via Francigena”


Written by Sabine Rostaing, in collaboration with her husband Nicolas and her son Matthias, who is a playwright, “The legend of Sigeric: the true story of the Via Francigena” puts together historical events and the stages of Sigeric’s Journey, the archbishop of Canterbury who set the basis (without knowing it!) of our Via Francigena.

The book, created in the style of a conte théâtrale, traces the story of this man in a semi-serious and engaging manner.

Lightly written, it leads us into the beauty of a trip across time. The text is supported by a glossary, helping us to interpret the language.

Through the official website, you can access more information and other contents for free, as well as podcasts and some extracts of the book’s text.

Extracts from the book:

The official website:

The podcasts:


You can contact Sabine Rostaing to get a copy of the book:



Road to Rome. Broad participation during the first ten days on the road, from Canterbury to Arras!

The beautiful cathedral of Canterbury and the Beffroi of Arras are two symbolic locations that framed the beginning of “Via Francigena Road to Rome”, the long march that started on the 15th of June and will end on the 18th of October in Santa Maria di Leuca.The rather rainy weather of these first days of journey did not influence the warm welcoming of municipalities, departments, tourist offices, local associations and the network of accommodation facilities involved in the project. From the 15th of June, the pilgrim’s stick, delivered by our friends of the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome, is crossing Europe from North to South on its 127 days-long relay march.

Canterbury, Calais, Wissant, Guines, Licques, Tournehem-sur-la-Hem, Wisques, Thérouanne, Amettes, Bruay-La-Buissière, Ablain Saint Nazaire, Arras were the stages crossed in these first walking days. In between, many small municipalities of the English region of Kent and the French Haute France opened their doors to the Road to Rome, displaying the extraordinary cultural heritage that distinguishes them.

“Heritage” (together with “restart” and “Europe”) is one of the key words of this epic journey, which aims to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the European Association of Via Francigena ways with all of the 657 municipalities located along the route. The Road to Rome is also highlighting the UNESCO candidacy of the Via Francigena in France: this project is finding support and excitement among all encountered local communities.

Along the route, groups of hikers and pilgrims are joining our walkers, wanting to share their trip with the leading group of the Road to Rome. This is one of the most important results achieved until now: the strong participation of local territories, responding with pride and feeling part of a European cultural route and a pilgrimage route that culturally unites them.

At the forefront we also find the Fédération Française de la Randonnée and the Fédération Via Francigena France, which are accompanying the group along the French section and are highly contributing to the overall success of the Road to Rome.

Sunday 27th of June the group stopped for a day in the gorgeous city of Arras. The next stops are expected in Reims, Champlitte and Besançon, before arriving in Swiss territory.

It is possible to follow our daily stories, photos and videos of the trip through EAVF’s official channels.

WEBSITE: (with a map showing our daily movements).






Partners Road to Rome


Educational Tour in Tuscia: a great example of territorial enhancement

An Educational Tour was led during the days 21, 22 and 23rd of June in the Italian area of Tuscia, in the province of Viterbo. The initiative was financed by the Chamber of Commerce of Viterbo and by Unioncamere Lazio, and was organized by Francigena Service S.r.l. with the technical support of SloWays, an expert partner of the European Association of Via Francigena ways (EAVF).

The press trip was held by a group of journalists: Giulia Armeni (Il Giornale di Vicenza), Dario Bordet (italiadagustare – Milano 24orenews – Roma 24orenews), Lorenza Cerbini (Corriere della Sera) and bloggers: Alessandro Bertini and Sara Dutto (Girovagate), Patrizia Ferlini (Saporiinviaggio). They were accompanied by: Anna Maria Olivieri (Responsible of Placement Services to Enterprises’ Internationalization and Marketing at the Chamber of Commerce of Viterbo), Marika Massotti (Social Media Manager at EAVF), Tullia Caballero (CEO of SloWays) and Agostino Cecchini, licensed tourist and trekking guide.

The event was important to allow journalists and bloggers to learn about the territory of Tuscia and the passage of the Via Francigena in this area, ancient pilgrimage route which, today, is crossed by millions of walkers. Participants walked across the woods and green nature, visited historical villages and met people who enrich local entrepreneurship with passion and originality.

The group began the tour with a walk along the Via Francigena, in the direction of Bolsena, coming across the archeological site of Poggio Moscini. The tour then crossed the histocial center of Bolsena, the City of Miracles (Città dei Miracoli), and the group took part in a handcraft workshop at a pottery and coloured ceramics shop called Terre di Rasenna. The day came to an end at a beautiful biological and holistic holiday farmhouse, “Valle dei Calanchi”, which applies homeodynamic agriculture in its land. The experience mesmerized the curious group of travelers.

The second day started with a visit at the historical center of Montefiascone (EAVF’s member municipality), with a visit at the Basilica di San Flaviano. Before starting the walk on the Via Francigena, the group enjoyed a break at the panoramic resting spot of the city, which overlooks the lake of Bolsena. Participants then walked along one of the most famous and beloved routes in the area, the Via Cassia Antica, with its authentic Roman paving. They then reached the farm Azienda Agricola il Molino, where Annalisa and Mauro welcomed them in elegantly restyled farmhouses with oil tastings and a rich lunch with local and high-quality products. Walkers were then joined by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Viterbo.

In the afternoon, the Educational Tour focused on the city of Viterbo, (EAVF’s member municipality). A stroll of the city center, with a visit to the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, was followed by a tour of the Pilgrim’s district. In the late afternoon time stopped when Lucia and Hans talked to the group about the ancient craft and art of binding books: participants were guided in the creation of a little handmade notebook.

The last day, the tour started with a walk from Capranica to the town of Sutri (EAVF’s member municipality). Participants walked through the woods, across little waterfalls and wooden bridges, and discovered the well-known sword in the stone. After a 6 km walk, across the Natural Park of the Ancient City of Sutri, they reached another archeological site. The tour ended with a lunch in the village of Caprarola, along an uphill street bringing to the famous Palazzo Farnese. An experience full of flavours and typical dishes.

This shared project revealed itself as a wonderful tool to recignize the value of this territory, thanks to the collaboration between various institutions and enterprises of the Tuscia Viterbese. It enhanced local promotion and the availability of services, resources and specialities of the area.