Via Francigena

Criticalities of the walking path

Stage 17 Piacenza-Fiorenzuola – Criticality at the Chiavenna Ford

We inform pilgrims in transit that the crossing of the Chiavenna Ford is currently presenting serious issues due to the heavy rains and floods of the past few weeks.

Please pay particular attention during the crossing, especially considering the weather forecast which predicts more rain.

Pilgrims who wish to split the stage to avoid the ford can take a bus from Pontenure to reach Fiorenzuola.

Criticalities of the walking path

Interruption stage VFS 7 from Fossanova Abbey to Terracina (Latium)

Pilgrims are advised that a section of the Via Francigena in Southern Latium in the Terracina municipality is interrupted due to works. These works concern the water conduit that passes under a path trodden by the Via Francigena, in the hamlet of La Fiora, and are being carried out on behalf of the Acqualatina company.

The Gruppo dei Dodici association has provided the maps below with directions to help pilgrims bypass this temporary interruption. You can also download the GPX track of this deviation by clicking here.

Criticalities of the walking path

Leg 45 – from La Storta to Rome: access to Monte Mario Park prohibited

Please note that along Leg 45 from La Storta to Piazza San Pietro (Rome) access to the Monte Mario Park is forbidden both from the gate located on Via De Amicis and from the gate located on Via del Parco Mellini due to the removal of recently fallen trunks and the monitoring of other trunks.

👉🏻 Click here to view the GPX track of the alternative route

It is therefore advisable to walk along the entire stretch of the Insugherata park, then Via A. Conti and Via Gualandi (about 800 metres), and once you reach the junction with Via Trionfale, cross over and, on the left of the Complex of Santa Maria della Pietà, take the cycle path called Parco Lineare Monte Mario-Monte Ciocci. It is about 5 km in complete safety. When you reach the Monte Ciocci viewpoint go to the right, where you can walk downhill along some hairpin bends that lead to Via Anastasio II. Turning left, you then continue for about 100 metres until you reach the traffic lights at the junction with Viale degli Ammiragli. You then turn left, walk along Via Candia, turn right onto Via Leone IV and follow the Vatican walls to the left. You then reach Piazza Risorgimento and are in sight of St. Peter’s Square.

👉🏻 Click here to view the GPX track of the alternative route

Criticalities of the walking path news_en

Interruption of the VFS 6 stage from Sezze to Priverno (Lazio)

An interruption was reported on a section of the Via Francigena in Southern Italy in the municipality of Sezze. Due to repair works to a water conduit coming from the ‘Sardellane’ basin and serving the municipality in question, the latter deemed it necessary to issue Order No 91 of 15 June. It prohibits, as of the following day, pedestrian passage in this section of the Via Francigena coinciding with the works. It has therefore been necessary to temporarily modify the route of the stage in question in order to avoid pilgrims passing through the forbidden section.

➡️ View the temporary GPX track online: click here

➡️ Download the temporary GPX track: click here to download

In order to proceed safely along your route, we recommend downloading the AllTrails App, which contains more than 100,000 hiking trails worldwide, and which offers a discount on the premium version at this time.

The app, thanks to the GPS activity tracker, allows you to receive ‘trails’, i.e., routes in the area where you are hiking, and to select the best option based on the characteristics of the trails and the targeted warnings you receive from other users. In addition, in the premium version, it is possible to download maps to consult them offline.

Criticalities of the walking path

VFF46 from Mouthier-Haute-Pierre to Pontarlier: temporary change to the route

The gorges of Noailles are closed a bypass is in place in 2022 and 2023.

Leaving the village of Mouthier-Haute-Pierre the Via Francigena continues towards Pontarlier along the GR®145. The route usually passes through the “gorges de Noailles” to reach the “source de la Loue”, but since 2022 there have been rockslides and the path has been closed for clearing work and to secure the route. New rockslides have recently occurred and the route will remain closed in 2023 to continue work to make the site safe. A deviation has therefore been put in place from 2022 and will remain in place until further notice. The signposting of the deviation has been put in place by the Doubs departmental hiking committee and you can thus bypass the dangerous area and still reach the “source de la Loue” before resuming your walk towards Pontarlier.

More information (in French) can be found here.

Criticalities of the walking path

VF ITALY, LEG 14 – Pavia to Santa Cristina

We have been informed that in the municipality of Linarolo, due to road works on the provincial road 13, which will start on Tuesday 26th April 2022 and will last until 14th June 2022 (as per order of the Province of Pavia), the passage of pilgrims travelling along this stretch of the Via Francigena will also be prohibited.

In the image below you can find indications of a possible detour (in pink) through some sand roads that could be used as an alternative to the official route in order to overcome the interruption caused by the works.

Criticalities of the walking path

Attention: landslide in Casalina, Pontremoli (Tuscany) (Via Francigena Italy, stage 22)

We have been informed that in the town of Casalina, along the stage that leads from the Cisa Pass to Pontremoli, a landslide has occurred on the road that passes through the town, causing the wall supporting the road to collapse.

It is a very picturesque stretch that leads to a bridge next to an old mill, from where the road continues underneath the chestnut trees.

The local authorities have been notified.